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ALL for His Glory - Worship

Writer's picture: Krystal LandKrystal Land

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

What is worship to you? 


This column I wrote many years ago for a local newspaper where I resided then, still stands true today. So, with a few tweaks, I decided to share it here.

A lot of people go to “a house of worship” every week.  If you are one of those people, as we sincerely enjoy worshipping with others, what is your purpose in going?  When you are in this house of worship, what are your actions?  What are your actions when you leave?  Is worship to you something that involves rituals and routine within a building? The phrase 'You' is being used as a general term, simply pondering ...


To some people worship is not what it was /is intended to be.  Sadly, some see it as their ways and ideas rather than true heartfelt prayer and praise.  Some people worship their social circles, their boards, and their committees.  Some worship the “has-beens” and dare to allow change.  “It has always been this way.”  For those people, you may as well throw a golden calf before them and set out in another direction.


As stated in the book of Exodus 3:1-6, worship is an encounter with our living and holy God.  This particular passage speaks of Moses and his encounter with the burning bush.  Obviously that encounter did not happen inside a building formed by man, nor did it happen with the okay of a committee.  It was not planned nor dictated.

 Is worship in music?  Sure, unto the Lord. 

"Sing unto the Lord a new song" ... Psalm 96:1 and so many other scriptures point to singing, clapping, playing instruments, all as a praise unto the Lord. As we sing praises to God, it should be an encounter with God.  We may not see literal fire before our eyes, but we should worship in such a way that we would not be too surprised if we did.  The book of Psalms speaks of songs and spiritual hymns throughout it.  It is interesting that during that time period there were no specific books or styles mentioned, simply rejoicing from the heart and new songs of praise lifted up.  There were many voices and instruments sounding out praises to God.   

Yes, songs were written and have since been written and used in churches.  I am a songwriter myself and share these songs in services and events.  However, worship is not limited strictly to any style of music.  Once this even becomes an issue with the people in a church, God’s will has already been forgotten and His Holy Spirit quenched.  When people can only participate if something meets their desire, then people are worshipping themselves anyhow.  When people can only “feel” when their motives are being pacified then they are simply still on the spiritual pacifier and are content not to grow and mature, thinking they need nothing more.  Growth cannot happen with this mindset, nor can unity occur.


When it comes down to the basics, in some instances, worship has been turned from a personal walk with God into a giant social gathering full of politics.  When there are more fingers pointing in the church than there are hands being raised in praise or knees on the altars, then there is a problem.  When there are more grumblers and complainers rather than soul-seeking encouragers, then there is a problem.  More than any of those things, when there are more people in the buildings rather than ministering beyond the four walls, then there is a problem.


Is worship what is in a building, or is worship in you (us)?  If worship is in us then we will walk in worship and it will not be about any individual or group, but instead worship will be about God and all it IS intended to be … His name lifted up in gratitude, and all things done for His glory.


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. – Colossians 3:17


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