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How We Say It, Matters

Writer's picture: Krystal LandKrystal Land

"The power of life and death are in the tongue." Proverbs 18:21

No matter what we say, how we say it matters.

What a powerful verse that proves that regardless of how we say it, it is important to realize that we speak either life or death with our words. Speak words of life and reap goodness, speak or dwell on anything less, and choke life. Ouch!

It truly is important how we say things, even if it is hard to comprehend or put into practice. It’s interesting that one version of the Bible even says, “Those who love to talk will reap the consequences." That passage is speaking of negative, harmful speech, of which we should always avoid. Maybe you love to talk… OK, great! Just talk right - for the good!  Speak life!  Bring forth a positive change in your life and in the life of those around you.  Preach, exhort, be pleasant, be bold enough to teach and share truth even when it's uncomfortable, be an example, be light! Sometimes the enemy would desire you to shut-up because he sees the life within you that needs to spread. 

Sometimes God wants us to be still long enough to listen to Him and learn how to reverse our speech from death to life.  The sooner we realize this, repent, and choose to speak life, the better we are for His purpose – the Kingdom, ourselves, those around us, and His divine plan.  How pleasant it is to have words as sweet as honeycomb producing and spreading life in a world that rarely thinks before speaking. 

Turn on the television, radio, computer, etc. and witness for yourself the life-choking atmosphere and then think about how much life needs to be breathed (the breath of God from His life-giving Word) in order to make a difference.  To those who know truth, why not implement this knowledge by acting on it and being an example with a strong heartbeat?  Breathe pure air, have a pure heart, and remember that from the abundance of it (the heart) the mouth speaks. Live life and give life!  It matters!

What about those who insist on speaking death?  Maybe you should simply say it like it is – in love. “How dare you allow your words to rain on your parade or anyone else’s?  Put away that umbrella and enjoy the showers of blessings paired with the SONshine! His rays of light are so full of life, touching everything in reach!” If someone continues to speak death, simply speak life and stop sharing too much in order to protect the life that is valuable to you. 

Wisdom goes a long way.  This is where thinking before you speak may need to come into play.  Use your words for prayer - always -pray for those who need more truth and life, and cover yourself and those you love in a forcefield of the most precious words ever, the Word

of God.  His promises are life; and that matters – for now and through eternity! 

Related passages:

  • From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things, but the unfaithful have a craving for violence. – Proverbs 13:2 

  • Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. – Isaiah 3:10

  • The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. – Luke 6:45


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