Serenity. Majestic skies, water-colored sunrises and sunsets, bright flowers that seemingly burst of love and happiness, whimsical birds and other busy creatures... the sounds and sights of serenity surround us. Any time I have moments to stop and take it all in, I am reminded of the awesome blessings in these gifts that some count as mere simplicity. Simplicity is an understatement for amazingly intrinsic designs.
This season, we have enjoyed an overflow of flowers, especially color-popping zinnias. There has been no shortage of wildlife either, from nesting birds, deer, rabbits, and turkeys; an abundance of nature to take in.
Perhaps, birds nesting in our wreaths was the best part of the season, even if clean up isn't as fun as watching them (oh my, the bird poo!). Still, we have been able to witness nesting, hatching, and baby birds taking their first flight. These precious moments have made for some wonderful photo opportunities, creating quite a vibrant nature gallery.

Needless to say, I have great appreciation for the joy that fresh flowers bring. My eyes never grow tired of flowers, outside or as beautiful arrangements.
A Gallery of Serenity
The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above declare His handiwork.
- Psalm 19:1
Our Dane, lovingly known as Layla the Great, seldom gives a second look to any of our other animal friends; not even a bark. Nope, she doesn't even chase rabbits or any critter. She might glance their way, but then peacefully moves on as they go along their way as well. Thankfully, she didn't pay much attention to the snapping turtle that passed through, although he did spark a bit of curiosity. "Hmmmm, is this a walking rock?" Something tells me, he would not be very warm and friendly. Perhaps it was his slightly aggressive hissing that gave us that idea!

One morning, following our devotion and cup of coffee, we were pleasantly surprised by a stunning, great blue heron that graced our front yard. As he gracefully stepped through the dewdrop covered grass, I quickly made an attempt to take his picture, though only through the windowpane. The photo lacked detail and clarity, but I figured it was better than missing this moment altogether. Ironically, we had just seen two large, red-headed woodpeckers swoop into the big tree that is in front of our office / studio window. Our morning was being filled with all sorts of fun surprises! Honestly, I could sit for hours watching the eye-catching nature around us.

Devotions, coffee, and a beautiful view ... Ahhhh, simply serenity at its best, that's not always so 'simple'.
A closing thought --- On the 'hope list' (We decided this sounds more faith-filled than just 'wish list') --- Besides a reliable motor home for ministry and visiting family, a high-powered camera for capturing amazing photos and videos would be awesome. It's fun to be 'in my brain', seeing so many photo ops! :-)
That's all for now, friends. As always, thank you for your support of Coalesce Ministries!
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