Along the Blue Ridge Parkway are some of the most awe-inspiring views and inviting stops for basking or trails for hiking. Oft' times we find ourselves doing all of the above, with or without a plan. On Memorial Day, we were out and about and decided to find a waterfall to enjoy. With less than a 2-hour drive from where we were, we mapped our destination after discovering Apple Orchard Falls in Jefferson National Forest near Buchanan, VA, and hit the road.
After waffling about to locate the actual entrance, we found a sign pointing to the falls and started down the path. 'Down' is the key word. We soon realized this wasn't a two-person path for a relaxing hand-in-hand stroll, or, much less, a simple stroll while sporting a pair of 'Hey Dudes', which are basically canvas boat shoes. For the record, these are great, comfortable shoes -- just not for a rough terrain kind of hike.

The further we went down the trail, the more we found ourselves carefully stepping over exposed tree roots, cautiously walking along slippery rocks, and climbing about unexpected twists and turns. With a high temperature of 86° and humidity climbing by the second, our easy-like-Sunday-morning stroll was getting a tad bit harder than expected. Still, the views that came with being deep in the woods surrounded by mountains, and the peaceful sounds from babbling brooks as we continued trumped the minor discomforts.

Upon passing another couple in the opposing direction (smartly sporting their hiking pants, boots, and gear), we were advised not to stop when we came to an open platform and first view of the falls. Explaining how this could be perceived as the final destination, they told us there would still be another flight of stairs and more downhill terrain to go before reaching the actual falls - 192 stairs in all. We soon came to the spot they were alluding to, paused for a brief moment, and continued ... down ... and down some more.
Finally, around a few more twists and turns, we landed. Gazing up at the rushing water, falling approximately 220 feet down the sides of large boulders, we took in the majestic beauty of it all. The spray from the water made for a cool, welcoming mist, along with the gentle breeze simultaneously occurring.
We made several comical attempts at taking a selfie photo, in hopes to capture the grandeur of the falls behind us. Yet, it merely made for an awkward angled photo of our elongated, cartoon-like faces instead. Laugh and move on. This quickly reminded of us of another item we should include in a readily prepared hiking bag to keep in our vehicle: Hiking pants, hiking boots, hats, a light-weight jacket, several other basic necessities, and... the selfie stick! It sure would make it easier to capture amazing backgrounds!

Realizing the time and impending darkness, we knew we did not have long to tarry. Recalling each twist, turn, and climb, we knew that it would be nearly impossible to navigate our way out after dark. At that moment, the journey back to the trailhead began. Up ... up ... and up some more.

We enjoyed a peaceful encounter with a deer and more scenic views as we made our way back. But I'd say more than anything, we were focused on moving 'up' at a fairly brisk pace. We made it back right after sunset and caught some more amazing views there at the trailhead and on the relaxing drive back.
Before you go!
Be sure to check out our Shop to find great items such as our custom hoodies, a beautiful butterfly lightweight jacket, and a fun bucket hat in our Witness Wear collections. Plus, you will find a fun hoodie featuring our fur baby 'Layla the Great', and other items that will bless you and others.
As always, thank you for your support of Coalesce Ministries! Blessings!